Proxmox Backup Server Wake-on-LAN

21 August 2024 By Justin

If you’re using Proxmox and you want to back up your VMs & containers there is no better way than Proxmox Backup Server (PBS). If you have a spare PC or motherboard and storage (SSD or spinning rust) you can use it to get regular scheduled backups, whatever retention you need, backup verification, deduplication and all that good stuff. The best bit? You can use if for free (paid support subscriptions available)!

So, you set up your backup server PC, set a daily backup schedule to run, then what? Your backup takes maybe half an hour each day to run … so for 23.5 hours that backup server is just spinning away burning electricity.

There is a better way!

Here’s how you can use Wake-on-LAN (WOL) to automatically wake your backup server and let it shut down gracefully after each backup, saving you electricity and cash.

Set up PBS

First we need to set up the backup server for Wake-on-LAN. To do this you will first need to change the BIOS settings. Where the setting is can vary depending on your motherboard’s BIOS, but you’re looking for something that says WOL, wake on LAN or wake on PCI. Turn that stuff on.

For some network cards, however, that’s not enough. You have to specifically enable wake-on-LAN via the driver before the machine shuts down, or it won’t wake.

Here’s how you do that. First, install the net-tools package:

Next we have to create a service that enables wake-on-LAN on the interface when the PC starts up. In this case the interface is called eno1, make sure you change it to whatever yours is called (find out from eg ip a command):

cat <<'EOF' >  /etc/systemd/system/wol.service
Description=Wake-on-LAN for eno1

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/ethtool -s eno1 wol g


systemctl enable wol.service
systemctl start wol.service
systemctl status wol.service

So that covers the “waking up” bit … now we need to cover the shutdown when backup job is complete. Here’s a script that covers that. It will wait for awhile for a backup job to start, then wait for the job to complete, then once no jobs are running (and no-one logged in) it will do some cleanup tasks (verify all backups and upgrade packages) then shutdown the server:

cat <<'EOF' > /usr/local/bin/

# First we wait for the first job to start. We don't want to shut down before the first backup has even started!

echo "Starting script!"


while [[ $count -lt 5 ]] do
        if [[ $(/sbin/proxmox-backup-manager task list | /bin/grep 'running') == *running* ]]; then
          echo "$(/bin/date +%F_%T) Found a backup job running!"
          count=$(( $count+1 ))
          echo "$(/bin/date +%F_%T) Waiting for first backup job to start - count: $count"
        sleep 10

# Next we wait until we have 20 count of no task running at 5 second intervals (hopefully all jobs completed)

echo "$(/bin/date +%F_%T) Waiting for all jobs to complete"


while [[ $count -lt 20 ]] do
        if [[ $(/sbin/proxmox-backup-manager task list | /bin/grep 'running') == *running* ]]; then
          echo "$(/bin/date +%F_%T) Found a backup job running."
        elif [[ $(/bin/who | /bin/wc -l) != 0 ]]; then
          echo "$(/bin/date +%F_%T) Found a user logged in."
          count=$(( $count+1 ))
          echo "$(/bin/date +%F_%T) Idle. Countup (to 20): $count"
        sleep 5

echo "$(/bin/date +%F_%T) Done. Verifying store."

/sbin/proxmox-backup-manager verify store1 --outdated-after 30

echo "$(/bin/date +%F_%T) Done. Updating packages."

/usr/bin/apt update
/usr/bin/apt upgrade -y
echo "$(/bin/date +%F_%T) Done. Shutting down."

/sbin/shutdown now
chmod 770 /usr/local/bin/

Now we want to make that script run when the PC boots:

This will open your crontab file with your favourite editor. Add this line to the bottom:

@reboot /usr/local/bin/ >> ~/shutdown-nojobs.txt

Lastly you need to find the MAC address of the network card in the backup server that will be used to wake the box.

root@prox-backup:~# ip a
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host noprefixroute
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: eno1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether a8:a1:59:e1:55:f4 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    altname enp3s0
    inet scope global eno1
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::aaa1:59ff:fee1:55f4/64 scope link
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

In this example the MAC of our wake-on-lan interface is a8:a1:59:e1:55:f4.

Now reboot the backup server. It should come up, then shut down again after a short while.

Note that if you SSH in to the server while it’s up, it won’t shut down until you close the SSH connection, so if you need to do any maintenance on the server that’s an easy way to keep it up.

Now we need to add some script on the Proxmox server to wake the backup server when a backup job starts.

First let’s install the wakeonlan package

You can test waking the backup server like this (replace MAC address of the target server):

wakeonlan a8:a1:59:e1:55:f4

The backup server should boot:


Now let’s add some automation to your backup job to start the backup server when a job starts. Modify the script below with the MAC address of your server, hostname or IP of the PBS server and name of the backup server datastore as on the proxmox server:

cat <<'EOF' > /usr/local/bin/vzdump-hook-script

if [ "$1" == "job-init" ]; then
  /usr/bin/wakeonlan a8:a1:59:e1:55:f4   # <-- edit with mac Address of PBS Server

  while [[ $count -lt 30 ]] do
        # if [[ $(/sbin/proxmox-backup-manager task list | /bin/grep 'running') == *running* ]]; then
        if [[ $(/bin/ping -c 1 | /bin/grep '1 received') == *received* ]]; then  # <-- edit with hostname or static IP of your server
          echo "$(/bin/date +%F_%T) Backup server up!"
          count=$(( $count+1 ))
          echo "$(/bin/date +%F_%T) Waiting for backup server up - count: $count"
        sleep 10
  # Give backup server a chance to get store online
  sleep 10
  # Enable data store
  /usr/sbin/pvesm set pbs-store1 --disable false # <-- edit with name of the datastore on proxmox server
  sleep 10
  echo "Backup datastore status is: $(/usr/sbin/pvesm status 2> /dev/null |grep 'pbs-store1' | awk '{print $3}')" <-- edit with name of the datastore on proxmox server


if [ "$1" == "job-end" ]; then
  sleep 10
  /usr/sbin/pvesm set pbs-store1 --disable true <-- edit with name of the datastore on proxmox server

exit 0

For the script to run it must be set executable:

chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/vzdump-hook-script

Next we need to tell Proxmox to run this hook script each time a backup fires. There are a couple of ways to do this – either add the following line to the global /etc/vzdump.conf configuration where it will apply to all backup jobs, or you can add it in /etc/pve/jobs.cfg where it will apply to only the job[s] you specify. That’s useful for example if you also want to define jobs that back up to locally attached storage.

script /usr/local/bin/vzdump-hook-script

Finally, make sure the backup server is shut down then try to run a backup on the Proxmox server. You should see something like this in the backup job log:

INFO: Sending magic packet to with a8:a1:59:e1:55:f4
INFO: 2024-08-21_10:07:37 Waiting for backup server up - count: 1
INFO: 2024-08-21_10:07:50 Waiting for backup server up - count: 2
INFO: 2024-08-21_10:08:00 Backup server up!
INFO: Backup datastore status is: active
INFO: starting new backup job: vzdump --storage pbs-store1 --all 1 --fleecing 0 --mailto [email protected] --mode snapshot --script /usr/local/bin/vzdump-hook-script --node prox --notes-template '{{guestname}}' --mailnotification always
INFO: Starting Backup of VM 100 (qemu)
INFO: Backup started at 2024-08-21 10:08:32
INFO: status = running
INFO: VM Name: dt-11
INFO: include disk 'ide0' 'local-lvm:vm-100-disk-4' 128G
INFO: exclude disk 'ide2' 'local-lvm:vm-100-disk-6' (backup=no)
INFO: include disk 'efidisk0' 'local-lvm:vm-100-disk-2' 528K
INFO: include disk 'tpmstate0' 'local-lvm:vm-100-disk-5' 4M
INFO: backup mode: snapshot
INFO: ionice priority: 7
INFO: creating Proxmox Backup Server archive 'vm/100/2024-08-21T09:08:32Z'
INFO: enabling encryption
INFO: Finished Backup of VM 430 (00:00:04)
INFO: Backup finished at 2024-08-21 01:49:03
INFO: Backup job finished successfully
INFO: notified via target `<[email protected]>`

Nice work! Enjoy your new automated, energy-saving backup solution!